Orgasms & The Female Sexual Experience: Part 2

Orgasms & The Female Sexual Experience: Part 2

Show notes

Orgasms & The Female Sexual Experience - Part 2! Join in for MORE practical and fun coaching points for women to consider in pursuing their own sexual pleasure.

Do you know how to let go and enjoy? Did you know there are different types of orgasms? What allows for you to get turned on ? Did you know your cycle influences orgasms ?

All of this and much more ! Tune in as you explore your own experience with sexual pleasure and orgasm.

Welcome to The Healthy Sex Podcast, with Karisa Kaye, Certified Sex Therapist- where we talk about love, relationships, and sex. And guess what? The relationship we have with others is only as healthy as the relationship we have with ourselves. Conversations centered around our mental - physical - emotional - sexual - and spiritual well-being.

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