The Libido Lift: How Fitness Fuels Better Sex

The Libido Lift: How Fitness Fuels Better Sex

Show notes

We are thrilled to start out the year interviewing local health and fitness expert Emily Griffith, CCFT of CrossFit Brigade. Emily was a competitive CrossFit athlete for years and is a Co-owner of CrossFit Brigade and Ignite Health Coaching.

Join us as we discuss recent health and wellness concerns, the importance of exercise and fitness in all areas of life- to include sexual health. How does exercise impact stamina? Psychology of self and body image ? Energy ? Bonding? Couples who workout together? Why is it so important to build muscle? How does that impact us long-term? What about hormone health? All of this and more in episode 20!

Welcome to The Healthy Sex Podcast, with Karisa Kaye, Certified Sex Therapist- where we talk about love, relationships, and sex. And guess what? The relationship we have with others is only as healthy as the relationship we have with ourselves. Conversations centered around our mental - physical - emotional - sexual - and spiritual well-being.

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